Full Moon Raft-Up

  • 3 Jun 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Saylorville Lake Marina


Registration is closed

Full moon raft-up, potluck, and hang-out. 

If you want to learn about anchoring, this is a nice event to hop on to.

Bring a dish to share, a beverage to share if you're not much of a cook, or a guitar if you're musically inclined. We'll meet up on the docks at 6PM, mosy out for a sail for a while, raft up, eat, drink, be merry, then sail home.

Some boats may camp out overnight! If you're interested to camp out and DON'T own a boat, let us know and we'll try and find a host boat for you.

Otherwise, stay as long as you'd like, or until the last boat sails home, whichever comes last.

Werewolves, please stay home for this one.

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