The US Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a free boat safety check to club members. The inspection is pretty simple, and in exchange you receive an inspection sticker which shows that you are meeting safety standards.
Inspections will start at 9am. Each inspection takes 15-30 minutes, and will proceed in the order that we register. If you show up late, no big deal, we'll get to you after finishing the next inspection.
Inspection is optional and completely voluntary for club members. Inspection may make you eligible for a discount with your insurance company, and who doesn't like to pay a little less for their insurance.
What will the inspectors check? They have a helpful FAQ at their website: .
Haven't launched your boat yet? That's okay! Inspectors can check your boat if it is in the water or on the hard. Land-based inspections do not include checking your trailer, but will cover all the 'boat' stuff and you can still get an approval sticker for passing.
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